Illustrations in the Text - Abbildungen im Text

A. A. DYDYKIN - The Flying Carpet - Casket, 1932 - State Museum of Palekh Art, Palekh

I. V. MARKICHEV - Masha Went Reaping - The Thirties - State Historical Art Museum, Zagorsk

P. F. CHALUNIN - The Humpbacked Horse - Casket, 1955

A. V. KOTUKHIN - The Fire-Bird - Casket, 1930 - Folk Art Museum of the Arts and Crafts Research Institute, Moscow

D. N. BUTORIN - The Turnip - Powder-Box, 1929 - Ivanovo Region Municipal Museum

* All the works here, with the exception of plates 23 and 25, are reproduced full size.

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